About Us

Lords Help non-profit charitable foundation established in 2005 in India. Our main focus is to help the impoverished children in South India. Within the State of Andhra Pradesh, is the town of Markapur, populated with over one hundred thousand people. This area is chronically prone to drought and famine and thus lags behind in many of the development all projects due to long neglect by the State government. Lack of access to natural resources and isolation from the national and state high ways also contribute to the long history of life-threatening poverty.

All these factors result in several thousands of children living in extreme poverty which forces them to suffer from malnourishment and a variety of diseases. Due to lack of healthcare sometimes it results death. Statistics show ten thousand children have been acknowledged at “high risk” by living in filthy slums without the basic needs and essentials: food, drinking water, shelter, sanitation and access to basic health care. Currently the core group of LORDS Help is comprised of more than 100 active volunteers with different professional and social backgrounds. They are from different fields: Medicine, Academic, Administration, Finance Business and Engineering. They are working together to bring about a difference in the lives of these children.

The Foundation began with a very simple idea to develop and rehabilitate (this area to aid these) underprivileged children and women. The organization is dedicated to enhance the quality of lives of these children and women by supporting with programs in the fields of health, hygiene, nutrition, education, and improve access to Markapur’s overall welfare and development.


Our mission is to confront with many challenges that threaten the very existence of the lives of these high risk children by arranging promoting programs in the fields of primary healthcare and nutritional support. Once stabilized, our focus is on providing educational opportunities –with special emphasis on female children to allow for development and rehabilitation of this region of Southern India. Our Foundation believes in the wisdom of John Holmes when he said, “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”


Our vision is to bring about a fundamental change in attitudes that involve underprivileged children and suffering women. To develop practical solutions to eradicate illiteracy and to provide health care to underprivileged children and women with the main objective “a healthy body and a healthy mind”.


One of our primary objectives is to reach out to children with physical and mental disabilities and women in diseased condition and help to secure the necessary care and protection that they rightly deserve. Rejection is one of the worst forms of mistreatment in any society. Our organization targets ways to overcome this syndrome of rejection to offer a decent alternative where these children and women have the privilege of enjoying a childhood supported by nutrition, healthcare, and education to light their future.